"I have never read such crap as is this!" - James, Charleston, WV
"What is this?" - Bill, Cleveland
"Why so much material from Andy Griffith? The show was mediocre at best."
- Amos, Los Angeles
"I moved way out here to Arizona to get away from this type of nonsense!"
- Lacey, Phoenix
"Where am I?" - Martha O., Richmond
"I thought I Love Lucy was off the air. Why lampoon it?" - Jean, Chicago
"The one about Moses v. Rodan was something else. Honest." - Burt, Portland, OR
"Is this on the level?" - Bobby, Salem, NC
"How 'bout the Twilight Zone?" - Don, Portland, OR
"Really?!" - Gene, Reno
"Now, let me get this straight. These are real shows?" - Ray, Flagstaff
"I would pay a lot of money to be able to read this each day." - Johnny, Kansas City
"I wish there would be a more serious tone to this feature." - Ashley, Atlanta
"You're kidding, right?" - Burt, L.A.
"You guys are just too durn zany!!" - Sam, Tucson
"This thing is just too much!" - Joe, Va. Beach
"This material is so funny it's, well, it's off the charts." - Kam, Seattle
"This website is so amateurish. But, it is funny." - Jon, Boise
"Did those guys from MAD Magazine contribute to this?" - Karen, Lansing
"Best lampoon of 60's TV yet!" - Clara, Jacksonville
"Certainly be off the wall." - D'Shaz, Chicago